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07824002 clsy-6 Songs, Op.48 (text by Gellert)-4.Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur

音樂屬性 : 
舒緩/平靜, 自由奔放, 西洋古典, 旅遊/人文/紀錄, 交響管弦樂團

Musical properties : Soothing/Calm, Free-spirited, Western classical, Travel/Humanities/Documentary, Symphony Orchestra

07824002 clsy-6 Songs, Op.48 (text by Gellert)-4.Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur

  • Audio Files : MP3

  • Bit Rate : 192 kbps

  • Sample Rate : 16-Bit Stereo, 44.1 kHz

  • Track length : 4 - 5mins

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